Specifications of the RBT 3-D slide projector 101:
Fully automatic slide projector for 3-D slides of the size 41 X 101 containing a combined stereo pair with single images of height/width (cameras) as follows:
21/16 mm (e.g. Nimslo) 23/21 mm (e.g. Realist) 23/28 mm (e.g. Belplasca) 23/31,5 mm (RBT basis 65 mm) 23/33 mm (RBT basis 75 mm)
Stereoscopic image differentiation is produced by polarizers for viewing each single projected image only with the correct corresponding eye.
• Overall Design
Flat, compact all-metal housing containing a completely twin optical system for both single images. Easy access to the mechanics, optics, and also to the electronics module in the latest SMD technique. Length, width, height 260 X 365 X 145 mm, weight ca. 24 lbs (all without. tray).
• Slide Mounts • Slide Size 41 X 101 - the new standard
The internationally prevalent 3-D slide size 41 X 101 (overall size in mm or 1 5/8 "X 4", internationally standardized) couples the left and right image of a stereo picture, unchangeable and adjusted, in a single mount. This has following advantages easy and speedy set-up of the projection using a single projector fed from a single slide tray, easy handling of the slide series without the risk of projecting wrong image pairs as it may happen with separated left and right images in two projectors, especially constant superposition of the two projected images after a slide change causes less eye fatigue and eases the operation during the projection. These advantages may be considerable, especially if the 3-D slide projection is to be used promptly and with frequently changing slide sequences, e.g. in education, research, advertising etc.
Technical Features • General:
The RBT 3-D slide projector- 101 is built to professional standards regarding its visible performance and proven continuous-run reliability. Important details of its construction are patented in Europe and in the USA.
• Slide Feed and Slide Change:
Straight tray, holding 50 slides which are inserted right-side up the sane as in a hand viewer. The tray is turned over to position it by latching its lid on top of the projector. The change of the slide tray involves only a dark pause not much longer than a slide change. Slide change by gravity feed, known for outstanding reliability and first-rate slide steadiness. By additional electromagnetic pressure final improvement to unsurpassed precision of the consistent projection position of the left and right images, impotent for viewing 3-D pictures without eye-strain. Slide lifting-' gentle and safe by means of a lever with parallel rising pads. Slide change very fast (under one second), nearly silent, and concealed by fade-out and fade-in of the lamps which remain switched off, if there is no slide in the optical path (e.g. when the slide tray is partly empty or must be chanced). Projection of single slides possible without tray. Slide change forward/reverse and additional fast tray run to skip individual slides by push-button operation on the projector housing or by remote control. Fully automatic slide advance by the built-in time (cycle variable from 5 to 60 sec) or by tape recorder control.
• Optical System and cooling:
Interchangeable lenses of the focal lengths 60, 85, 90 and 150 mm available as matched pairs from leading manufacturers. Autofocus systems for the two lenses with independent response can be switched off over ("override") to remote control. Lens shift horizontal and vertical by separate knobs on the front of the projector to superpose the two projected images on the screen without distortion. Condensers fully coated and designed for maximum light output in conjunction with the halogen lamps 250 W/24 V which can be adjusted in all three planes from outside. Brightness control stepless by means of a slider. Cooling by heat absorption glasses and three low-noise fans holds the temperature of the slide so low that a glasses projection sharp to the edges without. bulging (popping) of the films is possible with the new plastic slide mounts. Dust filter at the air intake. Polarization filters inside the projector housing in the cooling air stream,. Overheat protection by two thermal cut-off switches.
• Accessories:
- all metal quality carrying case - infrared remote control - control unit for dissolve projection - control unit for autoreverse projection - RBT - endless control - change of lamps from outside - reduction of ventilation-frequency
• Electric Power Supply and External Control:
Cable remote control for slide change forward/reverse and correction of the autofocusing, interchangeable with a wireless infrared remote control. Ten-pin socket for connecting a tape recorder or a control unit for dissolve projection in conjunction with a second RBT 3-D projector. Power supply for AC, 50-60 Hz, switchable to 110,220 or 240 V, power consumption ca 600 W.