In 1961, after Sawyers' and Doubleday's success with the Tru-Vue Around the World Program, both companies collaborated on the Family Travelogue Series also known as Know Your America Series. The program offered a Junior Projector, and each month a 14-scene non-stereo View-Master reel in a specially designed sleeve, picturing scenic or historic America, and a descriptive guidebook with paste-in color prints. It was to be a four year subscription program. In addition, slip covers were produced to hold the guidebooks.
Under special arrangement, Sawyer's drop-shipped the projectors from Chicago to each new subscriber, Doubleday, with headquarters in New York City, sent out the 64-page guidebook and reels from its plant in nearby Garden City, Long Island.
Since the reels have 14 scenes, they will not work in a stereo View-Master viewer. They will work in any 2D View-Master projector: the Show Beam ones, any of the 2D projectors produced from the 60s to the current ones. Each reel came with a specially designed sleeve and on the back were these words, promoting the program:
The Know Your America Program brings you and your family every month an informative album - plus gorgeous full-color pictures - of a different part of America. Through these fascinating "tours", you will see famous resort centers, big cities, vast farmlands, historic landmarks and great industries of our country. Expert writers and top photographers prepare these albums and pictures for you under the supervision of the American Geographical Society.