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    Many card sets in the zur Kleinsmeide Estate have been trimmed. Why?

    Mr. zur Kleinsmeide, tasked with the need to examine each image of each reel of each reel set produced on cards, had an organized method of storing his reel sets with his packets and reels. Utilizing custom made boxes crafted by his father, Mr. zur Kleinsmeide was able to library and store reels, packets, canisters, and reels on cards together by transforming the reel sets on cards to the dimensions similar to all the other reel products.

    How was this done?
    Mr. zur Kleinsmeide first trimmed off the lower portion of the card containing the clear plastic blister, but retaining all of the front picture portion of the card.

    After completion of inspection and research, the three reels were placed in an original three reel paper sleeve, and then placed inside another sleeve stapled to the back top of the original card, permitting full access to the back and its text of the original card.

    The finished product was a reel set not unlike a 3 reel packet or single reel ready to be organized and stored amongst them, neat and clean looking without the often unpleasant look of an opened card set..

    In the zur Kleinsmeide treatises, the reel set on cards are often pictured in this post-trimmed configuration.