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    Military Reels
    During World War II View-Master was in the war effort "Doing their Fair Share"

    In conjunction with the Armed Services, View-Master produced self-study military reels for distribution to the men in uniform for Plane and Ship recognition and range estimation. Study and Test Military Reels exemplify the amazing contributions View-Master played in so many aspects of everyday life even in days that were far from everyday.
     The U.S. Army and Navy contracted View-Master and several model making companies to produce accurate models of actual military aircraft and ships belonging to every belligerent nation to be photographed and made into 3D View-Master reels.  

    Pilots and Gunners:
    Mainly for use by pilots and anti-aircraft/ships' gunners, t
    hese reels were to be used in self-teaching -recognition and range estimation- of planes and ships. Sets of varying sizes were boxed and accompanied by black Model B viewers, and were readily available for individual study.

    These sets were produced in great quantities, but only a fraction of the sets found their way into one's homeward bound sack.

    Three Classifications of Reels:
    There were basically three types of reels:
    • Recognition and range estimation of aircraft for pilots
    • Recognition and range estimation of aircraft for anti-aircraft gunners
    • Recognition and range estimation of ships for ships' gunners.
     And for each Classification there were two Types: -Study Reels and -Test Reels.  That makes a total of six different kinds of reels. The six kinds are pictured and explained below:

    Study Reels for (Aircraft)
    A StudyReel features one plane in seven different attitudes (tilt/angle) and ranges for study of plane recognition. by example.
    These reels are numbered: 



    Test Reels for Pilots (Aircraft)

    Test Reels for Pilots (Aircraft)
    A Test Reel features 7 different planes on each reel, often mixed nationalities, and at different ranges and attitudes to test recognition.These reels are numbered: 


    Study Reels for Gunners (Aircraft)
    An Anti-Aircraft Study Reel features one plane in seven different attitudes (tilt/angle) and ranges for study of plane recognition.
    These reels are numbered: 
    Test Reels for Gunners (Aircraft)
    An Anti-Aircraft Test Reel features 7 different planes on each reel, often mixed nationalities, and at different ranges and attitudes to test recognition. These reels are numbered: AA-T#
    Study Reels for Gunners (Ship to Ship)
    A Ship to Ship Study Reel features one ship. Each image shows that ship at a different range so that the viewer can learn both recognition and range by examples.
    These reels are numbered: STS-S#
    Test Reels for Gunners (Ship to Ship)
    A Ship to Ship Test Reel places 7 different ships on each reel often mixed nationalities,and at different ranges to test recognition and range estimationThese reels are numbered: STS-T#