Pixie View Ensemble
The United States in Space
6 Kodachrome Color
Picture Card Pack (12 Images) & Pixie Viewer
vintage - never opened
From St. Louis, Missouri, the Church-Craft Company produced the Stori-View products, direct competitors to the Sawyer's View-Master product, throughout
the 1950s
Kodachrome full vibrant color meant Image quality rivaled View-Master, and did one better, because each card containing one image pair had enough room for a story about the image [thus Stori-View] (a story that View-Master could never fit onto
a single reel containing seven image pairs).
In later years, Stori-Views underwent a product redesign. The company name was changed to Stori-Views, Inc. and their product name changed to "Pixie- Views".
The Pixie-Views differed from Stori-Views by doubling the stereo pairs on a card from one to two images. The Pixie Viewer was simplified to a less costly production.
After viewing the stereo pair in the viewer, one merely flips the card upside-down and views the second stereo pair. The story on the card pertained to both images. Thus, Pixie-Views doubled the treat per card.
Cards: as new - never opened
Pixie Viewer: excellent condition