Versatile Medium Format Mailable Viewer Outfit - Newwith sample 3D prints
A flat, mail-able, folding viewer for medium format 3D images, either medium format slides and/or medium format prints.
Manufactured by 3D World (now defunct), producers of the TL-120 Medium Format Camera, and the Olga Multi-slide viewer, this flat mail-able, viewer assembles in just seconds, and its special, durable fold seams allow the viewer to be refolded flat and opened up countless times without separation.
Quality cut lenses of 33mm diameter and a focal length of 3 inches provide consistently, remarkably clear, crisp 3D images with both slides and prints. And with its large nose cutout everyone can view comfortably with or without eyeglasses.
Included in the package is a set of quality printed Stereo pairs making the package a complete ready-to-view outfit ideal for gift giving. This is the inexpensive way to enter the amazing world of medium format 3D viewing