Stereo Realist Film Camera, Model ST-41 3.5 - vintage Excellent Condition
The first of the 1950s 35mm 3D Stereo cameras, actually introduced in 1947, the Stereo Realist raced to the commercial forefront with heavy, enduring, multi-year ad campaigns.
The Stereo Realist, Model ST41, was one of the two best selling stereo cameras of the 1950s and 1960s. The Stereo Realist Camera was produced and is found in largest numbers today, and therefore, value-wise, is among the best values today..
Because of the metal top and front panels of the camera were plated with a mottled finish, scratches and wear marks from rough usage or heavy careful wear, are permanent, so cosmetically clean examples are less common, but more desirable.
Made in Milwaukee, Wisconsin by the David White Company, the Stereo Realist uses standard 35mm cartridge film. The ST-41 model was made with f3.5 David White Anastigmat lenses, f3.5 to f22; with shutter speeds from 1/150 of a second to 1 second, T, and B. It has built-in flash synchronization with a dedicated hot shoe; focusing scale; coupled, split-image rangefinder; centered viewfinder which eliminates parallax problems; double exposure control; depth-of-field scale; and exposure counter
This camera offering is in excellent cosmetic condition, functioning and comes complete with facsimile of the original instructions.
Pros and Cons of the Stereo Realist Camera:
Designed for performance, not ease of use, it is considered a bit hard and cumbersome to use. Requires more actions or steps (buttons to push, wheels to wind, levers to pull) from snap of one picture to the snap of another. Levers, buttons and knobs are located on 5 of the 6 sides of the camera.
The Stereo Realist is as heavy as the heaviest weight stereo cameras, yet understandably extremely sturdy.
Subject to light leaks and correctable only by knowledgeable repairmen, yet engineered to be repaired and adjusted, a sign of decades of continued use.
The Stereo Realist has the biggest group of enthusiastic users of any stereo camera brand.
And the Stereo Realist has more features on the camera and more vintage accessories made for the camera than any other brand.