Swayer's View-Master Personal Stereo Camera - vintage
35mm f3.5 ViewFinder
Excellent Condition
Included here is the Sawyer's View-Master Personal Stereo Camera, although it is not the same format as the cameras offered in this collection. But because of its popularity in the 1950s and 1960s and its popularity today, it is included, although the View-Master stereo format is a format unto itself.
Producing 69 stereo pairs of images on a roll of 36 exposure film (45 on a roll 24 exposure film), the images are each 11mm x 13mm and 7 pairs install in an special blank reel for viewing in a reel viewer.
The lenses are View-Master Anastigmat, 25mm f3.5 coated lenses. And the shutter speeds are 1/10 second to 1/100 second, plus bulb.
NOTE: Using the traditional Sawyer's View-Master Personal Stereo Camera system will require the use of a Sawyer's Film Cutter (see View-Masters Accessories).